Please don't let Bailey's death be for nothing. Check into the laws in your area and find out if they require groomers to be licensed. Write to Canine PAC and tell them that groomers should be treated no differently than any other professional. They should be licensed and regulated like other industries. If the woman that cuts my hair has to go to school and have a license, then why shouldn't the lady that cuts Lilo's or Chi's? It's outrageous that these deaths are occuring and the groomers are going unchecked. At most they are having to pay for "the cost of the dog". I'm pretty sure I speak for all of us when I say Lilo is worth a lot more than the price we paid for her!! I hope everyone takes a minute read Bailey's story. It is heart wrenching, but needs to be read. (Once you have read the story that Bailey's picture links to, you can scroll to the top of that page and click the Blog link to read the rest of her saga)
Unitl next time . . . .
Pug Love and Kisses
Hi Lilo,
We were not able to find the link to the entire story, but what we did read just broke our hearts. Poor Bailey! I can't imagine the suffering she must have gone through in that cage. It makes us so angry! We have no doubt her pawrents feel even worse. What a crying shame these groomers do not have to be licensed!
That is such a sad story. We don't understand why people who don't care that much about animals are in that line of work. It seemed like no one at the groomers was overly upset about it. Our mommy would never let anything like that happen to any animal, especially not a dog!
Pug hugs and kisses,
The Pug Posse
This is so sad, poor Bailey. Mom said that if that ever happened to one of us, she would probably end up in jail for what she would have done to the groomer. Where is the common sense?? Mom says that they should put the groomer the groomer through the same treatment as the dog and see how they like it. She said some other things too, none of which should be put down in written form.
hi lilo
thank you for sharing this information.
Thanks for this information! We were unaware of these kinds of stories. Thanks!
Sequoia and Tuni
How HORRIBLE!!! We have heard of problems like this. It is just terrible!
Reading Bailey's story made me feel very sad.
Thanks for sharing it.
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Thanks for letting us know,
how very terrible
bad ugly peoples!
OMG!!! We have missed you too!!! We hated to miss the party Saturday, but Mom and dad were FAR away:( We hope to see you soon:)
Pugsley & Lola
OMG....poor sweet Bailey. :( That is HORRIBLE and I don't think I would ever stop crying.
That is horrifying! Makes me seriously recondsider taking Gus or Indy in for a bath! I will just keep doing it at home.... That poor puppy.
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