Next is another Sunflower Girl!! Little Miss Pearl had to spend the day at the vet yesterday because she is having pee pee issues again. Her momma, like mine, tends to worry so she took her in for tests. The goods news is that there is nothing seriously wrong with Pearly Poo!!! The bad news is the vet said she will probably always have pee pee issues. Plus the poor dear has horrible ear infections!!!! Poor little Pearl. Doomed to a life of the momma following her around with a ladle!! =)
Next is our Sunflower Sister Miss Sequoia!! Her and Tuni are busy moving all the way across the country!! Can you believe it!! They are bi-coastal pugs now. But trip hasn't been easy for Sister Sequoia!! Her allergies have been bothering her and her little eyes turned all red!! Poor girl!! Itchy eyes and stuffy noses are not something you want while you travel. How can you enjoy the trip if you don't feel good? Thank goodness her momma knows that Benadryl is a pug's friend!!

So please send your happy thoughts and healing vibes out to our friends in need!!!! Lets put the Power of the Paw to work once again!!!
Just so you don't feel deprived, I had momma include a pic of me from 4th of July!! So this is me hiding under a chair in my cool coat still sweating my ta tas off!!!! At least I look cute doing it!! =)

Until next time . . . .
Pugs, Hugs & Kisses
Pugs, Hugs & Kisses
AWWWWW Lilo!!!!
What a thoughtful Sista you are!!!!!
The Foo totally deserves honorary mention!!!! Her poor little eye ball!!! Josie says 'dat she's can wears an eye patch likes Jack Sparrow!!
Stubby too!! His little body needs to mend and Josie wants to see him sooo bad!!
Our friend Bellartix also had an allergic reaction pretty badly to a blueberry this past weekend as did our friend Gunther to 'da bee sting!! Oh boy, our poor dear friends!!
Sequoia and Tuni wills loves 'deres SunFlower Tributes!!!!! :D
Yous so thoughtfuls and 'dis is a Great Post!!!! And we's LOVE the picture of yous too!! :D
Oh, on my IzZulA post last week...
I's selfishly titled its...and called it blood thirsty thursday..but in 'deres is yous beautiful bracelets...I's don't knows if yous saws its or nots...but I's wanted to makes sures yous knews 'dat we's really appreciated the gifts!!!!
BIG HUGS to yous and yous Sweet Momma!!!!
Izzy :)
Lilo, you are such a sweet baby!!! All of us over here are sending good thoughts and puggy wiggles (well only i can do the puggy wiggles since my brother and sister aren't pugs) their way!!!
Aww, so sweet to be thinking of all the other little puggies who are going through rough times! And you look so sweet hiding under the chair trying to keep cool! That's a smart place to be (other than inside with some AC) when it's hot outside.
Good luck to everybody for a speedy recovery!
Hi Lilo! What a pawsome post! So sweet of you to dedicate your bloggy to all our friends that have the sickies. I know the power of the paw is working its miracles and that everypug will be better in no time.
Stubby xoxo
Oh we love reading this sunflower stuff. You sure a good kid. We are sending good vibes your way
Benny & Lily
Oh Lilo, you are so sweet!! We do feel the Power of the Paw!! Foo was seen at the Eye Vet today, who very kind, and optimistic about her prognosis. But he did give her lots more drops!! Momma was very afraid the eye could not be saved, but the Power of the Paw must be helping!!
Love Gen & Lefty
that is the most beautifullest story that you have done.
You are so thoughtful to remember those in need. I am sending bubbles of love and the power of the paws to help Sequoia, Foo, Stubby, Pearly, and the others that I just read need help too
Bellatrix and Gunther. And more!
Your beautiful mention of Sequoia and Tuni- for the Sunflower Tribute,
Lilo, you are so sweet to think of everyone else for your post.
We hope everyone feels better soon. It is no fun to be sick!
Mom enjoyed seeing you on the 4th and really liked your cool coat! Sorry we didn't get to see you, but we were enjoying the a/c at home.
Such a pretty picture of you too :)
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
Hi Lilo,
I just love your sweet and thoughtful post. I know Tuni and Sequoia would want to share their spotlight with all their friends who are in need of a little extra love. I sure hope everyone is on the mend real soon.
Lilo, this is such a sweet tribute to all our pugger friends who aren't feeling well. You're wonderful friend.
Stella, Gunther and Betty
Hi Lilo,
Thanks for all the pupdates. We hope your furiends are feeling better soon.
Are you having a good summer?
Lilo we love your picture at the end!!! You are a cutie pie! And thanks for the power of the paw for my sister Sequioia. She goes to the vet here Monday. She now has a large red eye bump thingy nest to her eye. Poor lady is all boogered up eye boogered up! We hope you stay cool in the heat!
Hi Lilo!
What a sweet post to your friends!
Daisy and I hope they are feeling
back to their sexy selves soon.
-Dana & Daisy
How sweet you are, Lilo!
Hope everyone feels better now.
I love your picture,too :D
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