The momma and I have had a long chat to make sure she is aware of how derelict she has been in her blogging duties!! I promise we will be back in the swing of things in no time!!! =)
Until next time . . . . .
Pugs, Hugs & Kisses
Until next time . . . . .
Pugs, Hugs & Kisses
Lilo! OMD you have so many beautiful dresses!! And you look so cute in the pink one with matching hat =)
Sequoia and Tuni
You've got some great fashion sense. You might want to become a puggy designer ;) hehe loves it all.
Minnie Moo
We think our comment got eaten by blogger. Thanks for the awesome fashion show, Lilo. You look gorgeous in all your pretty outfits. Now just don't stay away too long.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
You have quite the wardrobe! My favorite is the last dress since green is my favorite color.
Well hello pretty girl!! It's so good to see yous!!
We can't waits to meet yous and your sweet Mama soon!!!!!! :D
IzZY, Josie and Anakin Man
'tanks for 'da kind words on 'da Mama's post today!!! It's really nice to have 'dat support!
oh.. and we's wanna borrow 'dose pretty dresses...hee hees
Oh so purdy!
~Baby and Lucy
LOVE the wardrobe!
What does the first dress say?
Where did you get the pink fur vest? We must have one.
And we are guessing that some of the dresses are by Punchy?
hi lilo!
oh you look so pretty in your dresses.
punchy is so talented!
we love you!
m & e
What a beautiful girl you are!
Guess what? My mom person & I have created a new blog at www.PetBlogsUnited.com.
We'd love it if you would come over and check it out & become a member. It's a great new place for pet bloggers to find each other, and get an opportunity to be a featured blog!
Nubbin wiggles,
We are giving you the Doggy Blogger Award for being such an awesome pug blogger. Cheers!
Hi Lilo!
You look so sexy in all your photos!
Daisy and I love seeing you all
dressed up hehe.
We hope you have a great weekend!
-Dana & Daisy
Wow, gotta love wordless Wednesday who needs words with those pictures!
I was wondering what kind of dog food you feed your pug? I have a site where I post printable dog food coupons
Maybe you can find one for your brand and save some moola! Let me know what you think of the site.
PS: Cute dresses!
You are the height of fashion, soo pretty!
Grins and Kisses,
Ying and Yang
That dress is too ridiculously cute. Lilo on the runway!
Lilo, you are gorgeous no matter what you wear! You've got fashion sense.
Kenneth Copeland
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