I haven't been able to put together a final post for Lilo yet. Every time I try it ends in tears and not a lot else. I am working on it, it is just slow going. I did want to let everyone know that I'm hanging in there. I have good days and not so good days. She was my world for over 4 years and its been a real adjustment without her. I never could have made it through this without all of you!!! The comments and support here, on twitter and on facebook have been amazing! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's amazing how much love and support you can have from people you have never "met". Through the blog and KPR, Lilo touched a lot of people and I am touched and honored that her memory will live on with all of you!!! There are not enough thank yous in the world to adequately express all that you have done for me!! I will get Lilo's farewell post ready and I also have some exciting news for everyone!!! I'm ready to embark on my next adventure and I hope all of you will be a part of it!!

Until next time . . . .
Pugs, Hugs & Kisses
Until next time . . . .
Pugs, Hugs & Kisses