At 6:15pm, Lilo's little body finally gave out on her. Just after the front desk told the vet I was there to see her, she stopped breathing and arrested. I watched while they tried to revive her and bring her back to me. But she was gone. I selfishly begged for her come back to me even though I knew she was tired. I sat and held my baby and told her how sorry I was that I could not fix her and how much I loved her until they came to take her away. My heart feels like it has been ripped to pieces and will never be whole again. I never in a million years thought that snorting pile of fur would make such an impact on my life. She was the catalyst for so many changes in my life and for that I will always be grateful.

July 18, 2003 - July 6, 2011
I will do a proper post for her in a day or two, but you have all been so loving and supportive that I wanted you to know that she has crossed and she is breathing easy now.

I will do a proper post for her in a day or two, but you have all been so loving and supportive that I wanted you to know that she has crossed and she is breathing easy now.
Oh, we are so, so sad to hear this. When I saw the headline I literally gasped out loud. You can tell how loved she was.
We are so sad and so sorry.
The Posse is devastated by the news. She was an honorary member of the Posse and we all loved her very much. She will be missed. Just remember that you were a wonderful momma to her and she was a very happy pug <3
Our tears are falling with yours. We are hugging you,,, and your not alone. You did everything you could. We hoped so hard,,,,,
Little Lilo-- she is now in the arms of the angels.
We are so sorry
I'm so sorry.
-Dr. Liz and Family
I am so sorry to hear about your little girl. She was so loved and will be missed by many.
Oh Jess ((((HUG))) We are so so so sorry over here and really thought we would hear some good news about sweetie Lilo. We feel lucky that we got to spend the time that we did with her and know that she's entertaining everyone on the other side of the bridge right now with her antics! I bet she's in her Hooter's girl outfit and passing a big tray of wings to all of the sweeties that made it to the bridge before she did!
You were a great mom to Lilo and we'll never forget her!
Salinger, Laura, Kevin and Holden
We are very sad too.
Our thoughts are with you.
Take care
Lorenza and mom
I am so terribly sorry for your loss. As the proud mama of a 8 year old pug, my heart breaks for you. Pugs are amazing lil creatures and they bring so much love and joy into our lives. She knows just how much her mama loved her.
Oh that Lilo rocked every outfit I made her!!! Through my tears I am remembering how crazy she was in the car that day jumping and climbing all over me...then later at the Posses' house climbing all over my head. She was one of a kind and was lucky to have you for her mama. Don't ever doubt yourself!
I am so very sorry to hear about Lilo crossing. We already miss her so much and I hope you know we are all here for you. We send many hugs to your family.
The girls and Jenn
I am so very sad to hear this! It wasn't what I expected to hear at all! Our hearts completely go out to you. We are thinking about you right now!
i am so very sorry to hear about lilo's passing. i hope she will find my ollie, he always had a sweet spot for the pretty girls.
My you take comfort in knowing that her short time on earth with you filled her heart with love and joy. She is breathing free and flying free forever to watch over you until you meet again.
We are so sorry to hear of this sudden news. Take comfort in the fact that you blogging friends are here for you.
WInston and Lise
I am so sorry to hear of sweet Lilo's passing! Many hugs to you and your family.
Daisy and I are going to miss Lilo very much.
What a sweet, sexy pug she was. We are so sorry.
-Dana & Daisy
I am so sorry and so very sad for your loss. Love and thoughts with you.
Jo & The Pugs xxxx
We are sorry for your loss -
Our candle will be lit this evening -
Both of you fought hard but sometimes even that is not enough -
Khyra and Her Mom
We are so very sorry for your loss. You and Lilo fought very hard and gave it your best. We think Lilo was trying very hard to stay with you, but in the end her little body needed its rest. Our hearts go out to you.
Hugs and woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara and Mom too
We came over from Pug Possessed after reading 'bouts your very sad news. Mom and me is so very sorry fur your loss.
Maggie Mae and her mom
We were heartbroken and devastated by the news of her passing...
Lilo was one of a kind and we are sure she is entertaining everyone up on the bridge as we speak!
You gave her a wonderful life and a wonderful momma to her.
She will be missed dearly :'(
Pugs & Kisses,
Cindy, Mike, Yoda, Brutus & Ellie
We are all so sorry to hear the sad news. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Minnie and Mack
Oh no. I'm SO sorry! Very recently, my 8-year-old kitty was unexpectedly taken from me, so I know the emptiness and pain you are feeling. Even though it is comforting knowing she can breath easier now, it will still take time adjusting to a different way of life for you all. Please allow yourself time to grieve. I found doing a memorial blog very therapeutic. Remember...we are all here for you.
Jess, my heart breaks for you.
No, no, no. We are so sorry to hear this horrible news. Lots of love coming at you from Canada.
We are so sorry to hear this news.
I cried when I saw your Facebook post last night and immediately gave all of my babies hugs and kisses as they helped dry my tears. I always loved seeing Lilo at the KPR events - she looked so cute in her beautiful dresses! You are a great pug mom - she was lucky to have you!
So so sorry, but at least she is breathing freely now. I know we all wish we could take away the pain.
"May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sunshine warm upon your face.
May the rains fall upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
may God hold you in the hollow of his hand"
RIP sweet Lilo xxx
We're so sad and sorry for your loss.
Sue, Pearl & Daisy
Although I have never met Lilo I can't hold back my tears when reading about her ordeal and passing. Being a Pug owner myself I can't imagine the pain of losing your dear friend. Rest in peace, Lilo!
Sending you all of our love. You are so missed, Lilo.
I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. May she run pain free at the Rainbow Bridge xoxo
I am so terribly sorry about Lilo. She was such a sweet adorable little wrinkly face and she brought so much joy to all around her. I am so glad I had the chance to meet her in person, and wish I could be there right now to give you a big hug. We will remember Lilo always. Love Jess, Clover & Chewy xo
My eyes are leaking all over the floor now! Jess, I am so sorry to hear about Lilo crossing the bridge - I was SURE the power of my paws would work and she would be all better today. Heartbreak is a tough thing to handle.
Cuddles and licks,
Love Noodles
We just over from Yoda, Brutus and Ellie's. We are very sorry for your loss. Lilo will be in our prayers and you are in our thoughts. Run free, Lilo and please continue to watch over your Mama all the time.
Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & Forgie
Much love to you, Lilo was blessed to have you love her & care for her.
Meredith & Scarlet
Dearest Jess
Your Angel, Lilo, loves you more than anything in the world and will always be right there with you.
The love the two of you share will always be there making this world a better place.
Thank you so much for sharing her with us.
I am always, always here for you!
All of my love ~
We are so very sorry to hear about Lilo. She was a great pug with a lot of heart.
Roxy, Lucky & Mom
My momma is crying after reading the sad news about took such good care of her and she was loved so much....sniffles and hugs,
Eddie the Pug
I am so sorry for your loss.
Just stopping by to say I'm so sorry about your loss of Lilo. They are never here with us long enough. They ask for so little and give heaps in return. Sending healing thoughts your way. hus!
I am so sorry for your loss its just hear breaking. She was a loved dog
I'm so sorry to hear of Lilo's passing. I can't say anything that will help. Nothing does, time just takes the edge off
So so sorry to hear of your loss!
I just read of Lilo's passing and I wanted to share my deepest empathy with you and yours. She was so so loved. I actually just happened upon this blog, I read the Daily puglet regularly that's how I found you. I'v read many posts and am enjoying reading about her and her super fun fearless life. Many hugs to you!
I have been away from internet service for the last few days and just heard the sad news about Lilo. You have my deepest sympathy and I will keep you in my prayers. Just know that my thoughts are with you.
Cecil, Chloe and Winston too.
I have been away from internet service for the last few days and just heard the sad news about Lilo. You have my deepest sympathy and I will keep you in my prayers. Just know that my thoughts are with you.
Cecil, Chloe and Winston too.
I have been away from internet service for the last few days and just heard the sad news about Lilo. You have my deepest sympathy and I will keep you in my prayers. Just know that my thoughts are with you.
Cecil, Chloe and Winston too.
We are thinking of you and your family and are so sorry. We can't imagine what you are going through and dread the day this happens in our family. :( We hope you find a sense of peace soon.
Vito and Gina
Hi there
Thank you so much for naming a cookie after Roxy. that is just the coolest thing. We appreciate the thought.
We hope you are doing well and if you ever want to borrow Roxy to test any of your new treats, just let me know. I'll see what I can do to get her to you.
Roxy's mom
I'm so sorry for your loss. Your sweet Lilo was a wonderful puggie, and I'm happy to have known her through your blog.
Hugs to you,
I am so very sorry for your loss... she was obviously so adored by you and you were very lucky to have each other. I just lost my family dog a few weeks ago - I truly know how it feels to have your heart broken into a million pieces. My thoughts and prayers are with you through this terrible time.
Jessica, sincerely sorry for your loss of Lilo. What a life that dog had! So loved....God bless you. You've shared a stupendous blog on the life and times of this precious one.
Jess, so sorry about your Lilo, she was a precious girl loved by many. I'm glad Maggie will be celebrating her birthday with her at the bridge! Too many losses I was saying before Maggie passed, but I'm so grateful for the time we had with them.
Just stopping by to say hello - we think of you often and hope you are doing OK.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Goodbye sweet angel. You will live forever in our hearts. Now you can run and play and bark and nap while you wait for your mama. Winnie Wiggles has a nice soft cloud she's saved just for you, dear little girl.
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