Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
The story behind this is pretty simple: Mommy is a sap!!! She's says she thinks the way my face wrinkles up when is sleep is too cute not to take a pictur of. Sheesh!! Is there anything mommies won't take a picture of? We can't even sleep without that flashy thing going off in our faces. But that's what mommies are for. To tell us how cute we are and love us to pieces.
So here is who we've decided to tag:
Until next time . . . .
Pug Love and Kisses
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Potty Jail

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Mommy and Daddy Love Me!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
So now I get to pass it on to other’s that are just as deserving as we were deemed.

Ok, here's what I need to do:
3. Date you were tagged? June 16, 2009
Melissa & Emmitt because they help make the world a more beautiful place.
Brutus & Yoda for joining the Indy Bloggers without a fight!!
Pugs & Bugg for trying to raise money for a good cause and get famous at the same time = )
Annie for rockin’ her butt scar and not goin’ Matrix on Howie!
Hank because you’re Hank.
Pugsley for sharing the love, and your toys, by adding Lola to your family. ♥
Jemima because she reminds mommy of me!!
Monday, June 15, 2009
It's Monday!!
I hope everyone is had a great weekend and a good Monday!! I had a peaceful weekend. Mommy and daddy went to Chicago on Saturday to spend time with my furless brother and sister. I haven't gotten to meet them yet, but daddy says he's working on it.
They also went to my cousin Corey's baseball game. Take a look at what that silly boy did to his hair for the summer!!!
While they were trying to keep warm and dry, I got to spend the day haning with Madie and just chillin'.
On Sunday, we went to Petco to see Eli and Gus from the Pug Posse while they were volunteering for KPR!! After doing our part to help out, we headed back to the Posse's pad! While the pawrents had lunch, most of us lounged around and enjoyed being lazy (not me, I was up adn alert waiting for something to drop or be shared). = )
After lunch, the folks left us home to chill while they went to a movie. Mom said it was cute, but I don't how cute a movie without a single pug in it could be cute. I just tilted my head at her and pretended to care. What I really wanted to tell her was that she was late for dinner and all her talking was just making it later. Hasn't she learned by now that a late dinner is never a good thing. We run on my tummy's schedule, not hers!!!
Anyway, it was a good weekend and I got to see my good friends from the Pug Posse so what more could I ask for?!?!?
Hope everyone has a great week!!!
Until next time
Pugs and Kisses
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Wordless Wednesday (Almost)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Health Scare
So before mom heads to bed (she has an iterview tomorrow) she let me get online to say hi to everyone and to share some news from our friends Yoda and Brutus. Brutus and Yoda's mommy gave them a bath on Saturday and then put a new flea and tick treatment on them that she had gotten. Not long after, the problems started. Below is the email that she sent me about the episode.
"I recently treated Yoda and Brutus with a new topical flea and tick product called Sentry Pro XFC.
Both Yoda and Brutus had severe reactions to this product. After 3 baths, they were still having issues (they kept us up all night on Saturday night). Their symptoms included but were not limited to the following: Restlessness (they would lie down for a minute and then jump up like something was biting them), Heavy breathing, high temperature (they were burning up so much that one of the baths I gave them was a cold water bath), excessive scratching in the area where the product was applied, and they both kept shaking themselves like they were wet and shaking their heads like they had water in their ears.
Both of them are doing better now, although the area where the product applied is still pretty sensitive but they aren't trying to scratch it as much. I did some research for this product online last night and found a message board - there were nearly 500 posts from people who treated their dogs with this product and their dog(s) had similar reactions as Yoda & Brutus.
I don't want anyone else to have to go through this with their pets so please tell everyone you know who has a cat or dog to not use this product."
I'm glad Yoda and Brutus are ok. It's scary how fast things can go bad. Hopefully, thanks to their mommy sharing what happened nobody else will have to gothrough this.
Mommy and daddy said we are going to Pugapaluzza this weekend. We're going down with the Pug Posse and checking out some Kentucky pugs (my home state). It's gonna be so much fun. We're also going to celebrate Pugsley's birthday!! Hope to see as man of my puggy friends as can make it!!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!!!!!
Peace, love and PUGS!!!!